Access the world digital de Corsair

If you have already registered and have your password, click on the image below to access your private area, otherwise follow the instructions below.
Area privada clientes Corsaro
Fill in the form to access your online space and receive information about our news, promotions and contests, you can also check your purchase receipts, points balance... through our website.

Remember that to register you need to have your Corsaro Club card, if you don't have it yet you can request it in our stores, it's free! You must also have a purchase receipt, where you will find the SERIE and TICKET NUMBER data at the bottom, to be able to validate your data initially for security and that we will only ask you once.
Area privada clientes Corsaro

What do I need to register?

To register you need to have the Corsaro card and enter your number in the form, you will find the number behind it under the barcode. (see help image).
You will also need a purchase receipt with the SERIAL and TICKET NUMBER data, you will find them at the end of the ticket in bold.

Solution to frequent problems and doubts

If you have already registered but you have not received the access data or you have a problem accessing the system, we recommend you consult our incident resolution section by clicking here.

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